Top tips, advice and information about your teeth and home care

From Finn Dental

Finn Dental Blog

We like to give you as many tips and dental healthcare advice as we can during your appointments, but you can find lots more in our blogs.


How we helped three patients to overcome their fear of the dentist

A bad experience, a lifelong fear - we've seen it all and want to help



Scared of the dentist: Three appointments before this patient came into the treatment room

One patient took three visits before they came into the treatment room but when they did, you won't guess what happened next!



Why you’re scared of the dentist – and how to overcome it

Being scared of the dentist is fairly common, but facing that fear is something we can help you with here at Finn.



How to keep your kids smiling – with healthy teeth

The nation’s children are suffering from an epidemic of tooth decay. The dedicated team at Finn Dental Specialists has been caring for kids’ teeth for more than 30 years.
Here are our top tips to ensure your child’s smile stays bright and healthy.
